You see, I'm not what you would could religious. But I know that there are some religious to Christmas. People look at it like giftsgiftsgifts either in the "gimme" sense or the "here ya go" sense. It shouldn't be this way. The word Christ is in the name, for Christ's sake. See what I did there? Take a hint as to what it would possibly mean.
But (BUT) Christians, do me a favor. Stop making everything related to Christmas about Jesus. Candy canes are not symbols of Jesus. And I'm not making that up either. Someone posted a picture on Facebook of a candy cane and diagrammed all the Jesus in it. The red is the blood of Christ. The white is the cleanliness or something of Jesus. The cane is shaped like a shepherd's cane. I almost vomited. Even religious people were calling that a little over the top. And if a child wants to believe in Santa, let them. Don't
I won't be celebrating Christmas this year or any other time in the near future. Unless I have some kids and a wife and a dog and a house with a fireplace and a Lexus. So, you know, very unlikely. I will keep enjoying the perks of Christmas, like paid time off. I'm not gonna go up to my boss and say "hey I don't celebrate Christmas so don't pay me". Who would do that? An idiot, that's who. And I'm not an idiot, so there's that.
This won't be a long post because it almost turned into a anti-religious rant, and I won't have that. So I'll end this by saying Happy Christmas, but much more importantly, have a great Derrick's birthday the day after (which is, after all, a much MUCH more worthy holiday to celebrate).
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